Blog feedback and Learner Response


I would like you to push yourself to do all the extension tasks. Please do read the Stranger Things article and make notes in your blog (bullet points are fine) about how mise-en-scene gives us insight into the characters e.g Will's 'bowl cut' hairstyle. 

Also, if you have already done the above by this time, please read this article:

And choose one of these 'sexist' adverts to analyse so that we are prepared for when we study adverts later in the year and you have considered how adverts in the 1950s were different. 

  • Will's fashion sense has shown to have stayed the same over the years.
  • Hair and clothing: His hair has always stayed as a bowl-cut and even as he's grown older its stayed the same while everyone else has changed their fashion sense to the dated/trends of the time. He's shown to have child-like clothes just as he did from the beginning of the show.
  • Will's clothing tells us how he's stuck back when everyone were still children and how he misses when they were younger, playing games and always hanging out.
  • A theory is that because of his trauma of what happened in season one (being taken into the upside down), maybe his mindset is stuck as being a child because those times are his 'safe space' before he experienced that trauma completely changing his life.
